Emphasizing the care in healthcare
The Dr. Kuan difference
compared to commonly-used options
Visit from Dr. Kuan
At home service (no commute, no waiting time)
1 hour - 1.5 hour session (unrushed, more help, tools & learning)
After thorough physical examination and establishing diagnosis, doctor treats root cause of pain via:
Specific hands-on manual therapy (FDM)
To relax the nervous system and muscle tension
Chiropractic adjustments
To decrease pain and increase your joint mobility
Customized movement program
Learn how to get strong without wearing down your joints
Complimentary home office ergonomic assessment and recommendations (upon request)
Typical in-home massage
At home service (no commute, no waiting time)
1 hour session
No specific physical examination nor diagnosis, therapist treats area of pain or whole body massage via:
Hands-on manual therapy
No chiropractic adjustments
~ $135
Traditional chiropractic care
In office service
10-15 min session
After thorough physical examination and establishing diagnosis, doctor treats root cause of pain via:
No manual therapy
Chiropractic adjustments
Some may incorporate mechanical/tool massage
~ $40-100
The Dr. Kuan treatment
therapy types explained
Hands-on myofascial therapy.
Fascia is a network of connective tissue that is in, around and between muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and connects them to each other both superficially and deep. It wraps around nerves, organs, arteries, veins, the spinal cord and brain. It is everywhere and has everything to do with how well our bodies move and perform. It is a protective layer as well as a sensory organ that detects and communicate information about movement, pressure and direction. So it actually helps your muscles do its job.
Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is a powerful model for treating virtually all soft tissue injuries including fascia, muscle, ligament and tendon damages, as well as many neurological conditions. It is my primary hands-on myofascial modality because it is so effective in reducing recovery time with lasting results. Every new patient will receive a FDM assessment to specifically diagnose any fascial irregularities. A corrective, hands-on technique will be used to clear the fascial distortion or distortions. Treatments can include ironing out fascial seams, smoothing out fascial coils, reversing fascial transition zones, flattening protruding tissue or unfolding and refolding fascial folds. Treatments have been commonly described as “a good hurt”. By restoring fascial distortions back to its healthy, gliding structure, proper healing occurs, pain diminishes and mobility is smooth and open. FDM is used by many professional athletic teams including the LA Dodgers, New York Yankees, Seattle Mariners, Chicago Cubs, Arizona Diamond Backs, LA Clippers, Washington Nationals, just to name a few. Learn more.
Chiropractic joint adjustments.
Chiropractic adjustments are used to restore motion and function to fixated joints enabling proper healing to occur. A gentle, quick impulse through the normal range of motion of the fixated joint is done with my hands or an impulse instrument. When proper joint motion is restored, inflammation and pain is reduced and the communication block between the brain and body is removed. When joints are functioning properly, the nerve endings there can then talk to your brain accurately and efficiently and vis versa producing proper outcomes like walking without tripping over your own feet or even just breathing without thinking. Having a healthy, properly moving spine leads to a thriving well-functioning body.
Fascial stretching.
Fascial stretching is a table-based assisted stretch therapy, meaning I, as the therapist, will stretch your body based on the assessment made beforehand. Unlike traditional stretching that only targets muscles, fascial stretching focuses on the entire fascial system, which directly affects the muscles, joints, nerves, ligaments and tendons it surrounds. Fascia runs in specific lines and patterns throughout the body that determines the whole body's movement or lack thereof. By lengthening compressed fascial lines and distracting jammed joints, pain is diminished, adaptability and flexibility is improved and the health of your muscle, joint, tendon, ligament and nerve can be maximized. After your FDM and chiropractic care, fascial stretching is like the icing on the cake. It will further facilitate the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, which is the “rest and digest” system. Meaning, we’re going to get your body and mind to an enormously high level of relaxation and restoration.
Customized movement program.
Individually prescribed corrective exercises will be given and done together to unlearn faulty movement patterns and postures, diminish pain and strengthen the neuro-to-muscle connection to prevent future injuries. Patients will be able to take these exercises with them to do anywhere, anytime. Having exercises and tools outside of the doctor's office is an integral part of helping your body heal, restore and function optimally.